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APT Flips image when using DSLR


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Just thought I'd share this problem Ive mostly worked through.
I was having problems with APT and my Canon DSLR  (550d).
Eg.  On some imaging sessions I found that the first 20 images or so were right side up and then the last 10 were inverted.

Not a huge problem as stacking programs will rotate them for you. But I saw an issue on a post where Flats were inverted compared to Lights, and of course the Flats did not work.
-My problem was, when I manually framed a previous nights image with the framing tool,- then intermittently, the framing pattern was upside down.
Also this inverted image issue was reflected differently across different features of the Program. Could get very confusing.

It took me a while to realize the images were  flipping when the mount had rotated round enough to make the camera body upside down (or at least leaned way over- close to upside down)

Disabling image orientation in-camera does not fix this.
It turns out its an issue with APT - see this post and look at last few posts where it gets fixed.  https://aptforum.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=1053

The orientation of the camera was not being properly read off the RAW images, but interestingly was OK on JPEGs (the initial workaround was to capture images in RAW+JPEG)

So the fix is to install 3.86.7. You need to google "Astro Photography Tool beta 3.86.7" and install it.

It works well.   -- with a small BUT.

One remaining issue that still hasn't been sorted is when you use    IMG- Preview Effects      while live view focusing, to flip the image intentionally -say to frame an image that was previously upside down- then the orientation works well, but then when you click 5x or 10x zoom, that orientation is not applied to the liveview zoomed image.
But that's a special case perhaps not come across often.

And Ive just seen that IVO will look at fixing that in the next revision.

Hope this helps someone.

Edited by johneta
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