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I currently have an Orion Skyquest XT8 dobsonian telescope (my very first) and would like to upgrade. I’m looking for something that will give me better view of planets and deep sky objects than my current scope. Additionally I found the dobsonian mount being somehow uncomfortable and not that easy for me to haul around. I live in a moderately polluted city and I understand I won’t be seeing galaxies from where I am, I would have to go somewhere darker (can’t imagine doing so with my bulky dobsonian). What would be a good intermediate telescope that wouldn’t break the bank but would make a difference. Bonus if it has tracking capabilities

p.s. I’m also not very interested in photography so that’s not a feature I must have

thank you for taking the time to read and offer advice 

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Hello Scorchia, I had a similar challenge moving and carrying my Dobsonian around so I upgraded to an HEQ5pro with a skymax180. This is a goto and tracking type mount. My new kit breaks down into smaller pieces than the DOB and individually each item is lighter and easier to carry, but its probably heavier if you add the lot together. One thing I have noticed is that the skymax180 appears to be an odd size in that there does not appear to be any carrying cases for the tube, so if you intend moving your scope around, budget is one thing but also look to see if there are any cases to keep your stuff safe during transport. Enjoy. Les

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