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Toucam II firmware reset


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Hi all,

does anybody have an idea how to reset a Toucam II's (840K, SC2 mod) firmware?
Background: The old Windows XP laptop which I used for imaging, guiding etc. is slowly falling apart so I decided to replace it with a newer one. The new has Windows 10 so following one of the many tutorials online to flash the firmware to "make" it a SPC900NC. Safety first, so I did do a backup of the old, original firmware and then flashed the new one using WcRmac. Of course, it was bound to happen: WcRmac crashed while uploading the new firmware. Now, the webcam is unusable, neither with XP nor with Win10. E.g. PHD Guiding reports that it cannot connect to the camera using WDM so I cannot use WcRmac to re-upload the old firmware. However, Windows does play a sound as I plug in the camera so it partly recognizes it. Do you way to reset the firmware? Any help would be fantastic!

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I have the same problem with a 740k model (toucam pro I ). I flashed it on my uncle computer, where I saved the original firmware, but I didn't have the chance to test it on the same day. Nevertheless, the process seemed to be OK. Something like 2 years later I plugged my toucam on a old Sony Vaio I scrapped, and nothing's happening. Windows (both XP and 7) detect something on the USB but it can't use it, installing any driver (original Toucam Pro or SPC900) doesn't help. WcRmac can't connect the camera for the same reason as yours it seems.

To make it worst: my uncle's computer crashed and I didn't make a copy of the original firmware. Well, I guess this hardware is screwed up big time! 🥶

Best  of luck to you.

Meanwhile: clear skies!

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