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First “decent” view of Mars


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By chance I noticed the clear sky last night around 2am and took my scope out to check the planets (and measure barlow focal plane offset for a new project I’m working on)

Wow! I kept saying wow- couldn’t help myself. Lucky there were no others around to witness... 😂

Saturn was stunning last night- the best I’ve ever seen. The rings gave it amazing 3D quality, Cassini division was sharp and clear and the banding on the orb delicate and beautiful

Jupiter didn’t disappoint either with a GRS transit starting as I set up and progressing for the couple of hours I was out. Plenty of detail in the belts with hints of curly detail. GRS was a lovely distinct orange and very clear. Seeing wasn’t that great actually with wobbly fluctuation but in settled moments it was very wow!

but the highlight was Mars. Till last night it was just an orangey diffuse blob but last night it was an orangey marble with dark x pattern and wearing a white beret and sporting a white goatee! I’m thinking it must be the increased albedo of the polar co2 ice that caused it but it was strangely elongated like it had a big cloud sat atop its head. Maybe it was just atmospheric distortion but it was still there as the sun started rising and it had gained some altitude. 

Anyway I didn’t see Mars last year at all so this is my best view yet and I’m liking what I see- it should only get better! :)

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