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Tracking EQ Mount - £400 to spend


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Good evening fellow enthusiasts.

Having started the practical side of astronomy barely two weeks ago, I realised how much I would like to photograph what I am seeing. I have started with a Celestron 130 SLT, self modified with tube rings, various accessories including 2 x Barlow and a Celestron NexImage 5 imager. I have had pleasing capturing results with lunar and some planetary shots but really would like to put together a starting astrophotography setup to start capturing some DSOs. Following some excellent advice on not really being able to skimp on this gear, but still being budget conscious, I have so far additionally purchased the following:

Sky-watcher Evostar 72ED Pro OTA (NEW)

OVL Field Flattener (New)

2 x Narrowband filters (1 NEW, 1 USED)

Canon 600D (Used)

Peltier cooler (Used)

You will note an important item missing, the most important, the mount. I have approximately £350 to spend (With an additional ~£50 if purchased from FLO due to a credit note) and since I have spent about £1500 in the last few weeks this really is a limit for the next month or two.

I am after a motorised EQ mount that is ST-4/ASCOM compatible. You note I do not immediate say goto and this is because I am more than happy for tracking to be accomplished with one of a number of small form factor PCs such as tablet single board computers (LattePanda) of which I already own!

I appreciate there are two main factors in purchasing a mount - payload and tracking accuracy. Whilst I would love to be able to purchase a HEQ5 right off the bat I am not in a position to do so so see a number of viable options:

Sky-watcher EQ3 Pro - £399 - 5kg load

Explore Scientific iEXOS-100 - £345 - 6.8kg load

iOptron SmartEQ Pro+ GoTo - £385 - 5kg load

Purchase something secondhand - to to £350

The other consideration is I would eventually like to have a highly portable rig. Whilst I am somewhat blessed with Bortle 5 skies at home, my garden is overlooked by no less than 3 very close street lights and with the dark skies of Dartmoor only half an hour away, I would like to take advantage of these. I see myself purchasing a HEQ5/6 further down the road for home and then keeping on the mount I will imminently buy as a grab and go.

Whilst I will initially use the goto or PC controlled autotracking, my next upgrade will be a guide scope and camera for plate solving which is why I need the ST-4 compatibility.

Do any of you wonderful people have any experience of my options above? Do you have other recommendations within this budget? All help would be gratefully received.

Thank you in advance and Clear skies.


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Interesting dilemma ... You state that you're thinking HEQ5 further down the line so any mount you buy will be a stop gap. Maybe consider an AZ-GTI / wedge etc as it's super portable for your trips to dark sites and will carry your 72ed nicely, it can also guide via the Synscan app. Worth looking at and cheaper too !

Edited by knobby
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1 hour ago, knobby said:

Interesting dilemma ... You state that you're thinking HEQ5 further down the line so any mount you buy will be a stop gap. Maybe consider an AZ-GTI / wedge etc as it's super portable for your trips to dark sites and will carry your 72ed nicely, it can also guide via the Synscan app. Worth looking at and cheaper too !

This is definitely food for thought, and worth looking into thank you. I have undertaken some research and believe it could be what I am looking for both in the short term but also this equipment would have longevity in the field.

I see it is not the easiest to polar align but I would be highly tempted to control the mount with a Windows 10 LattePanda small single board computer which would allow me to use SharpCap to align but would also offer me audoguiding in the form of PHD2 at the stage I add a guide scope and camera. I am not the greatest fan of wifi control of anything as it is not the most stable platform but the fact that the AZ-GTi has a SynScan compatible handset port means this could be used for further USB connection from the handset to the PC when I opt to buy one.

Very interested to see you not only have this mount but also the 72ED. Has it been successful for you? I am particularly interested in whether it has been adequate for say 2 minute subs. In addition do you think the tripod is up to the task or would you consider buying the Az-GTi in mount only form and opting for a more robust tripod and wedge?

Really appreciate the help!

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9 hours ago, Chris Wright said:

This is definitely food for thought, and worth looking into thank you. I have undertaken some research and believe it could be what I am looking for both in the short term but also this equipment would have longevity in the field.

I see it is not the easiest to polar align but I would be highly tempted to control the mount with a Windows 10 LattePanda small single board computer which would allow me to use SharpCap to align but would also offer me audoguiding in the form of PHD2 at the stage I add a guide scope and camera. I am not the greatest fan of wifi control of anything as it is not the most stable platform but the fact that the AZ-GTi has a SynScan compatible handset port means this could be used for further USB connection from the handset to the PC when I opt to buy one.

Very interested to see you not only have this mount but also the 72ED. Has it been successful for you? I am particularly interested in whether it has been adequate for say 2 minute subs. In addition do you think the tripod is up to the task or would you consider buying the Az-GTi in mount only form and opting for a more robust tripod and wedge?

Really appreciate the help!

Personally I love mine but you do read lots of horror stories about backlash etc. If you do get one get it from FLO as you may need to return it. Remember it wasn't designed for imaging or EQ use but Skywatcher gave us a custom firmware to enable it.

Attached images are 300 second guided narrowband over 2 nights.

FLO sell a cable which allows direct connection to mount so no WiFi worries.

Haven't tried unguided though.

Manfrotto tripod/Skywatcher wedge/finder guider/Sharpcap polar align.

Scope image is out of date as I'm dabbling with OAG and have an extra counterweight to balance better.




B33 - SiiHaOiii.png

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That flame and horsehead nebulae shot is amazing - such awesome definition and a credit to you and your setup!

I am getting more and more sold on the AZ-GTi. I fully appreciate that it is not designed for EQ usage and the warning on the firmware download page on Sky-watcher's website bears testament to that: "Warning: Please note that the AZ-GTi ( or Az-GTe) mount is not intended for astrophotography. In this firmware version, we enable the option to operate the mount in equatorial mode for experienced customers who want to explore the full potential of the AZ-GTi (or AZ-GTe) mounts and have fun. Performance for astrophotography is not guaranteed and average customer might experience challenges in obtaining the result that they expected." but I think it is a risk I am willing to take. Ordering from FLO is a given, not only for their excellent service but they are also my local supplier!

If it can handle your rig it should be able to handle mine though my 600D+Peltier will be extra weight. 5 minute subs too.

Many thanks for the advice, hugely appreciated @knobby


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After much deliberation, reassessing budgets, questions to FLO, deliberating, reassessing budget I have just ordered the Sky-watcher EQM-35 with its slightly more generous load capacity given I will be using a Canon 600D and Peltier cooler. I also like the modular way you can reduce its weight for grab and go.

Is it too early to start looking out of the window for the postman!?

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