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EQ6-R Powersupply?

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Hi John


I bought an EQ6R a few weeks ago and bought this monster:


 primarily for the consistency of output and the ability to power few heaters etc via the terminals.

not sure if a similar device is available in the US though?


 Best wishes





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Hello, sorry to piggy back my question into this thread. There are lots of threads about this but I am starting to get confused... hope you can help me

I have ordered recently a EQ6R but I realise now that it doesnt have the same power connector as the HEQ5.
I decided to take the opportunity to re-think how I am going to power it as unfortunately, the mount will be at least 4 meters away from the closest main supply in my shed.

[ A ]  Regulated power supply + 5m long 12v cable to the EQ6R

[ B Opt 1]  5m long lead extension from mains + Lynx 12v Power Supply + DC socket to Cigarette socket adapter + Cigarette 12v to EQ6R (comes with the mount)

[ B Opt 2 ]  5m long lead extension from mains + Power Supply with female Cigarette socket + Cigarette 12v to EQ6R (comes with the mount)

Option A seems safer, Option B is more convenient/versatile if my rig increases and also cheaper. 

Also,   does any 12v 5A power supply do the job? Is there anything I need to consider regarding fuse and fuse quality?


Edited by rideway
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