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ASIair Pro user manual

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I was lucky enough to receive my ASIair pro from RVO at the weekend; now that it's out of quarantine I was about to get it all sorted with my set up.  Now I'm a complete newbie to AP so I was hoping for a reasonable set up guide, as one doesn't come in the box I checked online and found reference to a user manual on the ZWO site but I don't seem to be able to find one.  Anyone got a link?  Thanks.

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They've not updated the user manual from the first version yet.

It is very easy to use once you get to know it, and all the steps are pretty much in sequence.  I'd have a play about with it and get to know it.

I know that's not what you wanted to hear, sorry.

There are lots of youtube videos on how to use it, and also a ZWO ASIair FB group which is pretty good, ZWO use it themselves to communicate info about the device.  (Not sure if I'm allowed to say that in here - mods feel free to delete this if that's against the rules??)

The manual is found on this page, but it is out of date.  I believe they're working on an updated version:



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Also, having gone through the whole learning curve of imaging from web cam, dslr and cooled cam with PC, drift aligning etc... I can't believe how simple this makes everything.  Have a little patients with it and most of all enjoy!!


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If I can trouble you guys just a little more.....managed to get both iPads working with the software app, recognising the main and guide cams ok but how do I connect the mount? I think I’ve got one of the newer synscan handsets and don’t seem to have the required connectors.

would it be better to bite the bullet and try EQMOD or sort using the handset.


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