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I was up at 3 am, to observe the nearly last quarter Moon, and if possible Jupiter, Saturn and Mars - low down to the E of the Moon.  This turned out to be on the early side as the seeing was very poor and I couldn't even see Jupiter until later on.  It improved steadily into the dawn, though it was still not great seeing.  On the Moon it struck me straight away that there was a one-armed man waving to me!  (see the crop below)  His head is represented by the crater Maurolycus and his waving left arm consists of the illuminated S and SE walls of Barocius. 

I also managed to observe the three planets.  I only used x75 on the Baader Mk111 zoom, but could see some nice details on Jupiter, the rings of Saturn and the very small disk of Mars.

I also heard the local Tawny Owls, and the dawn chorus - the highlight being a blackbird which landed on the fence behind me and sang very loud only four feet away from me.  It was a lovely end to the session. 

Packed up with ice on the telescope and the temperature a cool -2 degrees C.

The single frame below was taken with the SW 80ED and Olympus E-M5 Mk11 at 5.28 am, 1/100 sec at 400 asa.  The crop is from the same frame.

1889220989_P4140125Moon.thumb.jpg.809898bc1cfd633beafafdc389b4b386.jpg          1077428238_P4140125Moonmono.thumb.jpg.ff1abaee3e417c867a7e82a4bb7d3294.jpg   

427353778_P4140125WavingOneArmedMan.jpg.6e3bda86c2b6f1f12cfcd0aedb1ac3c6.jpg                                       152115186_P4140125WavingOneArmedManmono.jpg.0f536c98043d355c22dbe53f11ef16ff.jpg

Edited by paulastro
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