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Heritage 130p Eyepieces

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Hi all,

Hope you're all well!

I've had the Skywatcher Heritage 130p for around a year now, and am looking to buy some new eyepieces.

I've been doing quite a lot of research over the past few days and think these 3 eyepieces would be the best option to get, but just wanted to see what you all think since I'm still quite new to all of this.

4mm (£19.94), 9mm (£18.60) and 32mm (£16.20)

Thank you!

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I'd tend to agree with Ricochet. Personally, if your budget is under, say, £40, I'd recommend Plossls as by far the best option. While the field isn't wider than the stock eyepieces, optically they are pretty good. That includes the Skywatcher ones, which are pretty cheap.

The only thing I'd add is that a 4mm Plossl is not a particularly comfortable eyepiece to use - eye relief is pretty tight even without glasses. I have one (a Celestron Omni) and quite like it, but it takes getting used to. 

With that in mind, something like a 32mm, a 9mm and a decent Barlow lens (the Celestron Omni is good for the money), while it will set you back a little more, would be a pretty good set of eyepieces.

Might be worth checking out what they have on the Astroboot website - they often have Plossls on there at good prices.

Best of luck with whatever you go for.


Edited by billyharris72
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