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Very quick binocular session: SW Ireland

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I've decamped to SW Ireland to work from home for at least a couple of months. No neighbours for 250m and no anticipated social contact for 2 weeks. 3 cats and one wife for human contact.

Night one after arriving, suitably shattered after a 12 hour car-ferry-car journey and I'm greeted by a lovely clearish night.

SQM-L 21.65 at 9:30, not too bad with a bit of wispy cloud around. I had my beloved Nikon 12x50 SE bins, but mostly having been in SW London for the last few months it's the naked eye that overwhelms me.

@Ships and Stars's Auriga's Ladder an easy naked eye feature. Beehive Cluster easy naked eye with no dark-adaptation. The whole of Ursa Minor. Venus' phase obvious through the bins, resting against a wall. Funnily enough Ally's Braid, which I call B-2 bomber, not so stand-out through the bins as I've seen it before, perhaps it had a bit of cloud in front of it.

Anyway, enough to whet my appetite to keep me interested for weeks of isolation and pretending a dining room chair is an office chair...


PS at least my view from the office is an improvement




Edited by Captain Magenta
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I just caught this post! That looks absolutely amazing there. 21.65 is getting properly dark too. What a change from London!!

Smart move if you ask me, hope you have a memorable time there, a silver lining these days to have some space.

I rode a bicycle around Cork and Kerry, ended up in a small campground near Allihies (I think), five euro a night and wonderful stars. Slept with my head out of the tent one night, the milky way was so bright. 

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