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Make synthetic masterflat

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Now when I developing my macros I use for AstroImageJ I need some more plugins. One of them is something to make a synthetic master flat with.

I will use them to old astrophotos where I not have the telescope or camera left. My old flat images are of bad quality also and wrong. I also have a lot of dustproblem when calibrating with flats.

You can read about it here where I have some images that explain:

It's far from finished, I just want to tell about what's going on.

To do this I need JAVA knowledge which I don't have, but got a new friend who has it.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Now there is a Beta of the needed plugin to AstroImageJ to make a synthetic masterflat. Also the Excel sheet is updated where you find the needed parameters. I increased the polynomial to include a fourth degree also.

Here it is, see bottom at first page:

At page two there is an attempt to make this flatfield image with these tools.


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