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ATIK 383L+ color color scaling in maxim dl problem

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Not sure if there is proper answer to that question.

If you want to get realistic colors from your sensor, simple scaling is not the best way to do it - it is approximation. In fact, even more "sophisticated" methods are still approximation to some degree.

For better results you want to use color conversion matrix rather than simple scaling. Simple color scaling is a kind of color conversion matrix - but only diagonal one.

In any case, to determine suitable scaling - you can use a single star in your subs. Find a star of certain stellar type that will be your "white point". Probably best stellar class for this is F2 (non of the stars is pure white, some recommend using G type, although those are yellow stars, and some will use A class - that is bluish star). Take image of that star and compare intensity of each color - and that way you will get scaling factors (one that you should use to get star colors to be 1, 1, 1).


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