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NGC 6939 and NGC 6946 (Fireworks Galaxy)


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I had been working on M31 Friday evening until it went behind a tree. See my previous post for that image. Since it was going to be out of view for a while, I decided to move on to something else. I had done a few nebula recently, so I wanted a different type of object. I knew I had good data on Andromeda so a galaxy wasn't on the top of my list. Besides that, I don't quite have the focal length or aperture with the Redcat to do justice to smaller galaxies. So that left me with clusters. Again, globs are pretty small with the Redcat, but doable. As the south had some haze and I had a clear view to the north, I searched around Cepheus to find some open clusters. When I saw NGC 6939 next to the Fireworks Galaxy, I knew this would be the one to work on. Both fit in the field of view nicely, so here is NGC 6939 and NGC 6946. If you look close enough, you may even see some smudges from some fainter +14.5-17 magnitude galaxies in the background.

ZWO ASI183MM Pro, ZWO EFW and LRGB filters, William Optics Redcat 51, iOptron CEM40EC
13x180s each LRGB (unguided), flats, darks, dark flats
Stacked and processed in PixInsight with final touchups in Photoshop


NGC 6939_PS.jpg

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