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NGC 185 (Caldwell 18) using OSC camera.


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Although it rained quite a bit yesterday, the forecast was for very clear skies around 11pm onwards.....I was not disappointed :)

I converted my C11 from Hyperstar back to full focal length of 2800. With no real plan...I know...But I like it this way 😛 I looked at CdC for some deep sky galaxy I could check out. As usual with CdC I found quite a few...Decisions, decisions! :) 

I took test image of a few and then I came across NGC 185. I found it fascinating. I'm still not sure why but it's out there with a, what looks like a dust lane crossing it. It looks out of shape, it's not circular and its not flat pancake either. Yep, I found it weird to look at.


Anyway,  WiKi here.

Mesu 200

Atik 4120EX 300s x 12

C11 @f10 2800mm

Artemis, PHD2 and Pixinsight.

Thanks for looking.



NGC 185 CC.jpg

Edited by Star101
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3 hours ago, wimvb said:

That's a very nice ngc185. To show its extent, and define the dust lanes, it could use more data. What method of colour calibration did you use in Pixinsight? 

I used background calibration and colour calibration along with curves later on. In hindsight maybe I should have used photometric.

I was trying to bring out the detail and did not worry too much about colour. apart from reducing the Blue. At one point I almost turned it mono lol.

I did not dither either, which does not help with shadows and lines from the CCD chip. Makes it very difficult to create a clean looking image. It's akin to looking through net curtains lol. 

And finally, 300s at f10 ! I think it is not long enough. I am currently retaking the image using 600s subs and they are looking better but its intermittent clouds.

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