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First Light; Baader MPCC & Moonlite tri-knob focuser


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I recently decided to invest in my Newtonian for imaging and ordered a MPCC & Moonlite Triknob low profile focuser from Ian King. This solves the Coma problem of the Newtonian making most of the field useful (I hope). The MPCC also solves another problem; attaching my LP filter. The setup now looks like this; DSLR -> T-Ring-> MPCC - > LP Filter.

My order from Ian King arrived today and I was very eager to get first light. Since It was very late when I got the package I couldn't set up everything, so I decided to do some test shots at M42.

Here is 7x10 seconds @ ISO 1600. The stars near the edges are pretty round. Now I'm real excited to get my first moonless, windless night to test the setup properly! The image is not cropped but resized from 3000 to 1600 in horizontal resolution. Not too bad for 70 seconds I think!


(click to enlarge)

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Looks good to me and the stars are a good shape. I am just waiting for a custom adapter for my own Baader MPCC to arrive and then I too shall be experimenting with a large sensor and a Newtonian.

I'm sure you'll produce great images with the setup. "Fast" (f/5) imaging at 1000mm sure seems very appealing to me! You have the 10" Right? If Im not wrong that one is a just tad slower? f/6ish?

I'm going to experiment with the MPCC on the Megrez 90 as well. It would be great to be able to use it at it's native focal length. (621mm @ f/9) on windy nights on brighter targets.

My WO 0.8 mkIII Focal reducer did of course not reach focus on newtonian, even with the moonlite focuser.. Well, had to try! :)

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