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Nexdome questions, pier build and type, dome floor?

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I wasnt sure where to post this but this group seems like the best choice and best/cheapest way to get things automated (dome rotation) out of the box

I kept debating roll off vs dome forawhile, but i've concluded maybe the nexdome is the best bet since I may move in 2-6 years (to a more rural location going from bortle 5 skies to 4 and away from a small shopping center 2 blocks away).  I plan on first digging 4' and putting in a concrete footer for a metal pier which the footer would likely be flush with the deck flooring (i think), details still fuzzy there, aside from maybe 16-22" square and 4 rebar inside with rebar hoops every few feet and squared off at the ground level.

That said, for the nexdome, i believe the walls are 52" high, meaning if i'm flush at the deck with mounting for a pier, do they make economical 52" tall steel piers?  I havent come across many.  I'd like it to be future proof, be able to hold say an hdx110 or cem60 mount, up to 90lbs of payload plus counter weights, though for now only 25 lbs max (8se plus equipment, later maybe 9.25 or 11")

Does anyone have any metal pier suggestions i might not be seeing, or is my only recourse to use a sonotube up to a certain height and then attach a shorter say 36" pier? (makes it hard to just bury the cement if we move)

Does anyone have any suggestions on what to do with the dome floor, so that through the deck weeds and insects dont creep up inside?  I've heard that putting say foam or even astroturf can suck water from the outside in?


Thanks in advance


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not familiar with the Nexdome but my Pulsar dome it is bolted down - in my case to a stone circle. Normal outdoor sealant was used around the dome base, that could use being redone.  The centre stone of the circle isn't fitted and the connection, pier to support, is below floor level.  The theory is that when we eventually move the bolts will be cut off below ground level, the gap filled and the centre stone fitted.  It will have several bolt  holes to be filled too but those shouldn't  be too unsightly.

I had the pier fabricated by a local welder.  He welded a section of steel pipe to a flat plate drilled to match stainless threated rod coming up from the concrete pier base - separated from the stone circle. The top was closed off and drilled to  accept a pier adapter. I had the whole lot powder coated locally.  It's been fine.

For flooring I used standard decking boards on top of a framework of 5cmx10cm boards.  That produces an air gap underneath allowing cables to be routed under the floor from the dome wall to the pier. One of the flooring boards is hinged allowing access to the cables - which pass through holes drilled in the supporting boards.  I like the decking as it never feels cold.  I do get small spiders and slugs, under the floor, but they don't interfere with operation.

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