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Quick bino session Midsummers Eve

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Not having had time to set up an actual telescope last night, I went outside around midnight to get some advantage from what appeared to be a really clear night.

My SQM-L showed 19.00, which with the 80%-odd Moon and Sun only at -15 degrees was remarkable. It appeared to be a beautifully transparent night.

Naked eye, Alcor was not just visible but easily evident, certainly the clearest I’ve ever seen it from here in Sunbury-On-Thames. For the first time ever, two extra stars aside from the usual 3 in the Little Dipper were just about discernible too: Yildun and Zeta Ursa Minoris. Also, I could make out the Double-Double naked eye, completing a clear triangle of Vega, Zeta Lyrae and Epsilon Lyrae.

With my beloved Nikon 12x50 SE bins, I had a scan around, wondering if I’d be able to see M13. Not only did I see it, it positively leapt out at me, I was very surprised, having had difficulty making it out with my Mak 127 from here in the past. Possibly the clearest I’ve seen it from here, albeit at low magnification. M92 was nearly as clear, though I had to hunt around for it.

I was able to make out Ludwig’s Star between Mizar and Alcor, remember I’m only using 12x bins handheld, and finished off with Jupiter, which only served to disappoint me that I didn’t have a scope. Big even in the bins, with 3 Moons  attending. I’d be interested to hear if Jupiter was worthwhile last night for anyone else?

Just about to set up a scope proper in the hope tonight might be similar...

Cheers, Magnus

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