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where to start with astrophotography?

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On 29/05/2019 at 22:15, happy-kat said:

@rotatux(if I have the member right) did just this a 130pds on an altaz mount for their journey in imaging.

Yes I'm often (wheather permitting) using a 130PDS on a Nexstar SLT mount, an alt-az one just to be clear. It's perfectly usable for visual, and a bit limited for astrophoto: My copy of this mount is a bit erratic and only allows 20s subs most of the time, 30s up to 40s when lucky. Other copies or mounts may be better, YMMV :)

You can turn the tube in the rings to place the focuser straight upside, to line up the field of view to be more natural (up/down and left/right wise) for Alt-Az and frac/cass users.

Only drawback is the vixen plate screws forbid the direct insertion of the plate in the mount: the plate must slide in the mount so one of the screws blocks the operation. I simply unscrew the front side of the plate and gently insert it (with the tube weight on my hand) before re-screwing it, trying not to change the plate alignment.

If you need more info about this config just ask (I thought a few others would be using the same, but apparently not the case).

EDIT: after reading the whole thread you (OP) appear to not have the same mount (and potential problems) as me; Your mount problably has better tracking than mine, so keep hope. However keep in mind the tube length of a 130PDS will prevent going to zenith or high altitudes, just like me, unless you use a long vixen plate and use it to offset the tube in the mount (with additional counterweights to compensate).

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