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How to mount the QHY miniGuideScope on the rings?

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Hi all,

I have a Celestron Omni XLT 102 (the f/9.8 one) with a CG-4 mount which I did some modifications on it's motors hand controller to allow it to interface with a guide scope through a DIY ST4 port.

I upgraded the telescope a while ago with a dual speed GSO focuser. That came with the benefit of adding another finder scope place so I used it with my miniGuideScope which I got at the same time with the focuser (a year ago)...

For that past time I've been mounting the 8x50 RACI finder along the guide scope on the focuser, however I started to get annoyed by the view I get from the guide scope. Basically a lot of the view gets blocked by the front lens cell edge and I would not be able to do proper selection for the guide start while doing auto guiding... so I'm looking to get the guide scope a bit higher to get a better view.

That leads me to the rings.


As you see in the images, I notice these things on the rings... I'm looking to the best and cheapest way to mount the guide scope on either of the rings so I can get a better view. Searched around and found some stuff like dovetail plates and accessories but I got lost really... I could use some guidance on it!

I'm also thinking to 3d print the plate which should not be complicated but if I can get some cheap stuff I would not mind spending a tiny amount of money on this...

Really appreciate your help as usual :)

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