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First RAW image post-processing (Samsung Note 9)

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Hello everyone,

So the skies were clear last night and I gave the RAW image mode on my Samsung Note 9 a try with F1.5, ISO 800 and Exposure at 10s. I've attached the astrometry image to help identify what you're looking, the phone's automatically processed image and my post processed image from the RAW file. For a first attempt I think I've done ok, but I'm sure you lot will have some tips for me to improve upon this and I would really appreciate it. Pleiades came out as slightly triangular shaped stars which I'm guessing is slight overexposure or me tweaking something wrongly.

Also if anyone could point me in the right direction for alignment during stacking that would also be great. I have tried the auto align tool in photoshop but it is not accurate and it seems like it would take hours for each photo to do it manually. Surely there's a way of putting some markers on each image such as a triangle between a few stars on both images and then it automatically aligns that? Or something even easier?

Many thanks,


Attempt 1 Astrometry.jpg


Attempt 1 v3.JPG

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On 03/01/2019 at 02:19, Recneps said:

Some nice images you got their. My phone doesn't get any stars at 15 seconds. If you meant stacking to get a longer integrated exposure time you should use Deep sky stacker. Also With your images you should try not to get rid of the black point. You kept some in the centre of the frame, but none nearer the edge. Astrobackyard has some pretty good tutorials to help. Other than that They're some great pictures. I quite like the one of the Pleiades.

Attempt 1 v3.JPG


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