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2" Crayford Focuser on New Orion XT8 Will Not Move Up & Down

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I have a new Orion XT8 telescope.  I took it out the first night and was only able to look at a few things (Moon/Mars/Saturn) due to cloud cover.  Tonight was my first real chance to use it.  At first everything seemed fine, but as the nigh progressed the 2" Crayford focuser stopped moving up & down even though the focusing knobs continue to spin.  I could push and pull the focusing tub up & with very decent amount of resistance. 

Is this a common issue that can fixed by any adjustments by me?  Or is this a potentially more serious problem with a brand new telescope where I should contact Orion to replace?   

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That worked!!!!  Thank you.  Actually when I loosened the screw, it was so loose, I was worried about it eventually falling out without noticing in the future.  Since it seems to do fine with my biggest 2" lens and I don't do any astrophotography (since I classic Dob).   So I actually removed it and put in the zip pocket in my lens bag for whenever I might need it in the future.

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