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My new Skywatcher Explorer 300PDS NEQ6 Pro GOTO Telescope

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Well, my new  Skywatcher Explorer 300PDS NEQ6 Pro GOTO Telescope and Nevada PS-08 power pack came yesterday, all seems AOK, one problem though, i do not know when it will be erected as, my wife, (SHE WHO MUST BE OBEYED!!!)?, asked where i was thinking of putting it, this conjure up way too many answers to be believed, my beloved has though come up with the answer, and that is to purchase a new shed and locate the telescope there in and go from their, problem is, that, this is going to cost money as, overlap is bad for sheds so best build is T&G, no gaps as such and far easier to insulate if one wanted to; this is where i find myself at this moment in time, don't want to rock the domestic boat seeing as SHMO nearly did a XXXXX, when she saw the size of the scope, perhaps i should of quipt as to the first time she saw me and if it was bringing back fond memories, but, best not to push it ??.


So that my dear friends is where i find myself at present, all checked out as such but not powered up yet, and, that stage and the main build is a little way off yet, still, i have my scope and mount so will just have to be patient i guess, all the very best and regards to all.



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