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Nice Double Double In Delphinus, And The Double Cluster


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Quick hour out under clear skies with the Bresser Dob.  Spotted the "rhombus" shape of Delphinus (Job's Coffin Asterism), east of Altair, so I aimed at that with the Rigel, aided by the RACI finder.  The star to the east of the pattern is Gamma Del (Al Salib), and SW of this is OR Del (Sigma 2725), both in the same FOV.  Gamma is a binary, closely matched, 9" separation; OR is a (2)+1 visual double, again closely matched, 6.1" separation, but a fainter pair.

Gamma was just split at x35, better at x64, and that mag also split OR.  Both were clearer at x127 - altogether a very pleasing double double, with thanks to TLAO for the idea!

The Double Cluster near Cassiopeia is one of my favourite targets, so I aimed in the right region and got it straight away.  (Getting quite capable without using GoTo!)  Going up from x30, it looked better at x42 in the big ES 30/82, then better still at x64 in the biggish Meade 5000 UWA 20/82 - very sharp and detailed.  At x127, the clusters were seen very nicely, one at a time.

A successful and enjoyable hour!


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