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Cloudy Pacman Ha


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Last night started very well until very high thin cloud rolled in off the Atlantic. I could still see the pacman in my subs but there was an obvious haze and i could see it clearly when i looked at the moon. I was about to pack up but i decided to leave it out and go to bed. I hate wasting imaging time and i'm glad i left it out as i still got something and this is meant to be a hargb image so i can afford to have slightly dodgy ha data.

There's some lovely feint dust around the Pacman which i hope to capture with my Asi 071. You can just make it out in the image below, or maybe it's just the clouds?

So this was a stack of 103 5 minute subs at unity gain.

Takahashi Epsilon 130 with the Asi 1600mm and Astrodon 5nm ha filter mounted on an Az Eq6.

Stacked in App. Processed in PS.



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