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Crescent during Full.....


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No..... not some reverse Earthshine effect....

but the great potential of narrowband imaging when the Moon was Full on.....so bright I could read the newspaper article stating alcohol is very bad for you...hmmmm?

Here is the Crescent Nebula... (NGC 6888)  in BI Colour  Ha - OIII


One of my faves and nicely at the zenith at around midnight.

Scope  SW Quattro 10" F4

Atik  414ex Mono   (  Ha:  36x1min  Oiii:   32x3mins )

MGEN Guider on 9x50 finder.

That Atik also does a very good job at LRGB as well........


NGC 891 in Andromeda.... also known as the " Outer Limits" galaxy.  ( about 20mins on L, and 10mins on RGB)

Hope the skies are clear where you are.



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