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Pentax K70 w/ Astrotracer vs portable trackers

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I' m trying to figure out what's the best value for the buck I can get from low-budget wide astrophoto setup. Does Astrotracer function on Pentax K-70 performs on par or better than other "toy" trackers such as Polarie, Sky Adventurer etc.? If it does not, I will go for portable tracker and lightweight mirrorless with better autofocus/video features (currently looking at XT-20, A6300 and E-M5 Mark II) as I'm going to use it in daytime as well (even thou I really like how K-70 beats everyone in its price and class category in terms of High Iso low noise, removed AA filter, built-in stabilizer and superiour resolution from pixel shift technology). I even was considering Astrotracer with telephoto setup for short stacks DSO photography (i got pretty dark sites over here) but it appears to be too cumbersome compared to proper EQ with Go-To and autoguide.

I did some research and found pretty cool results from Astrotracer users but wanted to hear more recent opinions.

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The Astrotracer looks like an interesting product. Plus it's great to see you are asking questions prior to purchasing equipment - sometimes equipment is purchased in haste that is not appropriate for the job and disappointment results.

Rather than look for opinions on products, you will get more appropriate advice if you say what you want to photograph and your likely interest level (astrophotography can be addictive!). That might seem a strange approach, but there can be a lot of difference, for example, in equipment for photographing the Milky Way and Deep Sky Objects you mention. Same thing applies to cameras - what may be good for terrestrial use may be irrelevant for astro. If you're not sure, best to read up on astrophotography first before looking for advice and then purchasing equipment. That way you will have a better start in the direction wanted.

For example, this book will provide a very good intro: https://www.firstlightoptics.com/books/making-every-photon-count-steve-richards.html

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