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Unedited Notes!


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This is last nights observing as I wrote my notes on my phone notes page... No poetry I'm afraid just thought I would take the risk and post it (I did however remove one expletive) I may have got confused with some of my double descriptions so go easy on me...

Xi Bo - hot hot

Rasalgethi - firey double

Jupiter - spent ages with a lot of EPs

Kappa Bo - beautiful

Graffias – Conifer tree

Epsilon Bo - tight 1 huge 1 small orange yellow

Alberio - as always ace

95 Her - mini headlights

61 Cygnus - Cortina headlights

M10 - ok

M12 - subtle

M14 - dull

IC4665 (summer beehive) nice

NGC 6572 epic fail

Carbon star epic fail

Cloud rolling in from North East... Coffee and reflection time!

Couldn't see any planetary nebs! tried light pollution filter and UHC lumicon...

Really quiet in Squaks garden quite dark all around, no house lights, Street lights blocked by blanket on washing line... Bad light coming through between houses kept table on patio had to walk through light beam but looked other way each time. Outbuilding superb red light required for night use, could keep table and WiFi laptop in there?


Might buy the WiFi and sit in shed but need a good ? for live viewing... Set up is lovely the AVX send to be quieter with more use?

Focuser seems rough full of marbles

Aligning superb used compass in daylight got Polaris in the polar scope when it appeared just by judgement.. ace.

Used cross hairs red light EP to assist alignment (what's it called?)

My 6.5 HD Meade HD could be sharper then the 82° new one? Or it could be it's just slightly bigger because the fov?

Half the sky gone to cloud at 13:30...

Tablet with new app is good can't get deep sky objects labels showing though?

Gonna move scope to try Saturn in-between the two conifers... Picked up mount moved it 2 metres got Saturn Boom! I need a bigger boat... Beautiful but small rings over the top I think like looking under the rings, gonna check what the tilt is today.


Really good night shame the seeing wasn't the best or I would have stayed out. Not much enjoyment from the clusters though really. I used to love clusters more than corn flakes. Now it seems I spend time as a planet man and so enjoy beautiful colourful doubles.

Comments and feedback welcomed

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On 15/06/2018 at 17:30, wookie1965 said:

Great report enjoyed the short and to the point observations.

Thanks Wookie, I would have usually written something up adding the the poetry and feeling, a bit busy at the mo though... It's great to get out there again. It's great when you have a good night! 

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