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Berlebach Report 112 Astro - help me load it up!


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I've had the Report 112 Astro for a few months now.


I really like it and now I am thinking of scaling down my astro equipment accordingly. I've been using it with a Mak 102 and an Altair Astro travel mount type thing just for viewing the Moon and Jupiter (when it rises above the garden wall...). It's light and handy and stable enough.

I can sell my ES Twilight I mount and 150PDS to fund future purchases. The two items are both individually perfectly fine but not as a combination (vibrations). I think the ES mount is more suited to short tube scopes.

I have a fantasy list of stuff to put on my little mount:

  • SkyWatcher AZ5 - this would much improve views of planets. Slow motion cables are so helpful at 200x magnification!
  • StarTravel 102 - I want to combine this with a widefield eyepiece like a Speer Waler 17mm (78 degrees). This would give 2.6 degrees of sky at an exit pupil of 3.4mm which should make finding DSOs much easier. Wtih the 150 PDS + ES 24/68 I have a 2.2 degree view at 4.8mm exit pupil, much narrower, but more importantly very gray with city light pollution at that exit pupil. I've tried DSOs in larger scopes and to my eyes they just don't look as good as they do in smaller scopes - yes, they are brighter, but they lose their magic.
  • Star Adventurer! I have the camera and camera lenses, but never had the mount to put them on.
  • For planets I ultimately want something "better" (for planets) than the Mak 102. But I'm not sure what the Berlebach can take. Options include a Mak 127 and 100/F9 ED refractor. I think the refractor would be more general purpose of the two with a wider field of view. Obviously the frac wouldn't have any more resolving power than the Mak, but it would have much better contrast. Does anyone have any thoughts about FL 900mm refractors on a Report tripod (and an AZ5)? By the way, I would be using the AZ5 pillar with the frac (if I get it).

What else am I missing? A nice little solar telescope or two? Perhaps the SW 72mm ED? ?

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