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IC 2948 ZWO ASI 071 Pro


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IC 2944/2948

Known as the Running Chicken Nebula, is an open cluster with an associated emission nebula found in the constellation Centaurus. It features Bok globules, these globules are small dark nebulae that contain molecular hydrogen gas as well as helium and variable amounts of silicate dust (usually around 1-3%). The globules are associated to star birth, and quite frequently (about 40% of the cases.) They provide double or multiple stars. However, no evidence for star formation has been found in any of the globules in IC 2944. IC 2948 is the bright emission and reflection nebulae, while IC 2944 is the cluster of stars and surrounding nebulosity stretching towards λ Centauri.

The Running Chicken Nebula, spans about 70 light-years at the nebula's estimated 6,000 light-year distance.

ZWO ASI 071 Pro
31 x 4min = 2hrs

IC 2948.jpg

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you southern hemisphere types are having all the fun at the moment aren't you !  Personally I find it hard to get excited about galaxy season up here, to be honest.

I totally get the chicken - those two stars close together being an eye, beak to the right, then wings upraised either side.

nice image

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