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Half moon and Orion

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Finally after weeks of it being overcast, had some clear sky last night, so I took a few shots of the half moon and Orion. Just some quick single shots as its still bitterly cold and I've got a bit of the flu, so wasn't feeling up to sitting outside and getting a lot of frames. As always, feedback and tips/suggestions are welcome and appreciated. 


Half Moon - Canon 60D, 200mm focal length, ISO 400, F35, 1.6 second exposure, RAW processed in Photoshop. 

I'm pleased with the contrast in this image, although I was hoping for a bit more detail, and its a touch soft. I think I was just slightly out of focus.


Orion - Canon 60D, I don't remember the exact focal length I set my lens to, somewhere between 80-100mm. ISO 400, F5.6, 2 second exposure.

RAW Processed in Photoshop, used Content Aware to remove the corner of my house that was sticking up in the bottom left. 

Pleased with how this one turned out, decent amount of stars visible considering I took this in the middle of suburban light pollution hell. Can even see the little smudge of M42 underneath the belt. 


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