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 If I was to purchase the Meade LPI-G Color Lunar/Planetary Camera, the sub $200 with low pixels (I'm brand new at this without high expectations/goals) would I still be able to capture some deep sky imaging as well; obviously, less than a deep sky imaging camera, but still better than human eyes I'm sure....Correct??

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I dont think this camera would be very suitable for deep sky stuff because you need long exposures for this. The LP1 is more about lots of very short exposures typically done in a movie format which are then stacked. This is good for bright objects like the moon or planets - but not great for DSOs.

The maximum exposure doesn't seem to form part of the advertised specification, but I found a thread here which says max is 16 seconds. Normally for DSOs you'd want minutes of exposure, not seconds.

A cheap DSLR might be the way to go - Canons are favourite.

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