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A different view of Planetary Atmospheres


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In the past, I have hoped / imagined the atmosphere of other planets
would contain "Towering" Cumulo-Nimbus clouds in psychedelic colors! :p

Yet even (relative) close ups of Jupiter / Saturn look more like Clouds
(swirls!) in my Coffee (cup). Or do they? I note particularly this article:


Images such as the above really *do* look fairly like terrestrial clouds! 
Yet I mean the small icy white ones! I note *even* Planetary Scientists
are still "puzzled" by many features of such images. So not just me... ;)

Perhaps better to THINK of the images as "seascapes" covered by some
clouds. Let's face it, the densities of the gases are often more akin to
typical liquids on earth, with or without (super?) critical" effects etc.  :)

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