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DSI - best image processing software?

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I've decided I need to try to squeeze more out the images taken with my DSI-C than just using the same old standard settings on the supplied Autosuite processing software.

Is Autosuite the best software for initial processing (stacking and colour alignment) or should I be using something else, such as Deepsky stacker?

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Before I started to use DSLR's for imaging I used my DSI 1C and later the DSI IIC for imaging (tehy are now relegated to guide cam duties).

The best images I obtainde with them were when Isaved the files as FITS format LRGB and worked on the individual color and intensity fiules using Fits Liberator pluging for photoshop CS - yes I know its a OSC camera but the flexibility in working on the data as LRGB made quite a difference.

There are a few things you can do when using envisage such as either saving each frame or saving every combined frame - just incase you get a rouge one which can ruin a stack at least you can back track.

Also save as a lossless format such as TIFF or BMP and do the IP functions in CS GIMP or similar...


p.s. Its's quite a while since I have used envisage so i'll have to refresh my memory...

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