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Yet another polar scope illuminator mod for Star Adventurer


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Since bad weather isn't giving me a break,I decided to do some diy.
The star adventurer polar illuminator kept falling from the bracket so I wanted to replace it with something else:
Polarscope illuminator prototype #1 (ugly as it can get but a prototype anyway)



What's needed:
1 plastic card
1 red led
1 hdd (or similar) led cable
1 Coin Cell Battery  (I used a CR2032 rated at 3 volts)
1  Button Coin Cell Battery Holder
1 potentiometer
1 mini on-off switch
X-Acto knife
basic soldering skills
heat source


- measure the width of the hole in the L-bracket

- cut a square hole of the above width in the center of the plastic card
- solder the very basic circuit


- arrange the circuit on the card as you see fit and mark components positions with a permanet marker,the led obviously must be over the square hole,using short lenght of wires is better
- Heat the card a little on one of the short sides and bend it against the L-bracket,be sure to line the square hole on the card with the hole on the bracket
- Repeat on the other side,the card must be flat on the base of the bracket,the two holes should be matching
- hot glue the circuit over the previously marked positions
- cut the excess plastic

- fit over the bracket
- done




Can be slided up and down the bracket.
I'm pretty sure someone with a 3d printer could make something more appealing...

- low cost
- low profile
- dimmable
- led is socketed so easily replaceable

- snug fit,so it doesn't fall every time


?? Still need to try it on the field







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