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Mains powered CCTV pan/tilt head


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I picked this up years ago...






It contains two Crouzer 82524423 motors - 375 tr/min, 125:2 gearbox and what appears to be approximately a 6:1 final gearing.

It's very well built and a shame to discard - I'm mildly interested in understanding whether I could use it to point my guidecam+CCTV lens. I can get ~2s exposures untracked, so just need something to direct it, and could iteratively plate solve to zero in.

I'd probably be content enough with a manual jog control for it. I don't know whether the motors/capacitors would appreciate me repeatedly flicking a momentary microswitch , or whether the microswitches themselves might fail from arcing. I expect it to be of little use for automation unless I could perhaps convert to stepper control, but manual slew/jog could be fun.


Anyone familiar with controlling this sort of thing?

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