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Two different shots - same Rosette


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Seems that Rosette became a very popular target these days, so here is my try.

First shot was made early this year, using Atik 314L+ as imaging camera and Equinox 80 telescope, with a focal reducer/field flatner. With this rig , I have a resolution of 3.079 arsec/pixel and almost the full nebula inside the field. I used for this 41 exposures x 300 sec in Ha (Astrodon 5nm) and 72 exposures x 300 sec in OIII (Astrodon 5 nm also), calibrated with dark, flats and biases.  I used R=Ha, G=OIII and B=OIII, a little bit unbalanced to red, to have a more natural look.HaOIIIOIII_PI_ST.thumb.jpg.ea132fcff4032f3fb9fc7514592d068a.jpg


The second shot was made 2 night ago. Because of the lack of time, I had only 4 exposures in Ha (same Astrodon filter) of 600 sec each, but using a different set-up. Is about my MN190 with my new camera, an Atik 460EX mono.  The resolution was higher (0.936 arcsec/pixel) with a smaller field - only the center of the nebula was available with this combination. I will take more subs in the near future, to improve the S/N ratio and increase the signal. Some colors will be available as well.


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