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Polar alignment without Polaris

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Hey guys,

so I've been wondering if it would be possible to polar align my mount without polaris. I know I can use my phone to point it at it but my problem is a little more complicated. The thing is I want to shoot some stuff from my balcony where my view is limited (only north-east). I have Celestron CG5 Advanced GT and when I select two star alignment it doesn't give me any star I can see. I was thinking about just quick aligning the mount and then doing the polar align calibration which would fix the error but due to the bad weather in the past few weeks I haven't had a chance to try it. Do you think this is the way to go or is there some other way I don't see?


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And JOHN2Y, have also look here, there is a already a thread here in the forum, which could also be interesting for you ?

Have a look and hope you will have / find a solution..


Martin :icon_albino:


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