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Remote focuser for a Tak Epsilon 180

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There's a Tak Epsilon 180 for sale on e-bay....oh man, I haven't got the money, but.......seems to good to pass over!


One thing troubles me though, because I image remotely in my warm room, separate from the Obs, I would need remote control/motor focusing on it....I have trawled the net, but can't find anyone who has fitted robofocus or any other type of remote focuser to a Tak Epsilon 180.

Would the Moonlite Newtonian focuser fit?

Any ideas or opinions on any of the above please folks?



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one thing I have noticed about the Epsilon series is the amount of backfocus is very small. We couldnt get focus with our SXV. You will also require the correct adapters rom takahashi. I dont know how much they are but they wont be that cheap. Once you buy tak, you will always be a slave to them because of the special adapters they have for their self made threads.

However, it is a wonderful telescope. Flat field extremely fast.

Its not a dig at takahashi, just a note. I think tak are superb, especially as they have telescope specific flatteners.

If you think that the robofocus doesnt take up too much backfocus then you are on to a winner. it cant fail to give great images

Hope this helps


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i have used the e160 for imaging with an slr, but then using the adapters from tak to 1.25" involves too much backfocus.

for using the e180 with sxv, we phoned nick hudson of true tek, an he suggested using a pentax thread, as we have m42 to something useful.

i would phone nick, and ask for the best solution

good luck

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