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Finally, a session of sorts.


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Well, can't remember the last time i got out for a session... It was a long time ago! Typically the Moon was in play but low down when I started however still wreaking havoc for DSOs.

I'd taken my 120ST and the new (to me) AZ4 mount head to try out. First frustration - the AZ4 mount head did not fit the EQ5 tripod... strange the two heads use the same tripod I'm sure! Oh well, back to the Equatorial mount then...  A quick Google this morning seems to confirm that the two tripods are equal so I'm not sure what's going on - perhaps because I could not see well or it needs a bit of brute force to get it in the hole... :p

It was a bit dewy but not too bad. I pointed at M51 and after some faffing trying to point a stubby scope at a star got it in view... just. Almost pretty much averted vision only which is not a great start. Onwards...

M13 was rather better showing brightly slightly washed out. I got my 4mm TMB II clone on it and quite surprised by the view it gave and resolved nicely and still reasonably bright.

M57 with the same eyepiece showed a nice sized doughnut with the oblong shape and bright. Stars looked pretty much pinpoint with this eyepiece as well.

The Double Cluster I used the 11mm ES 82 and typically this showed really nicely with decent colour. The 4mm showed quite a mass of stars more centrally in each of the clusters.

A couple of double stars later and a look at the Moon. Some really nice features showing close to the terminator - rising mountains in the top 1/3rd section. Great view with the 4mm eyepiece and while the seeing wasn't great it was steady enough to pick some nice detail.

After midnight the dew was pretty strong and overcame my finder pretty quickly. So after some more viewing the Moon I packed up as the Moon was now washing everything out anyway and also the seeing seemed to be getting worse...

So, better than nothing for sure. Hoping the next session isn't quite so far in the future!!!

I was really pleased with the performance of the 4mm TMBII clone certainly for the money.

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