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Wartime Baby's laptop shelter


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Having recently started using a powered mount I was a bit alarmed a week or two ago when I realised everything was saturated with dew to an extent I'd not experienced before.  Being unable to see through the finder was the first clue.  So I have to sort out dewstrips but the next step in my long march towards imaging is to link the mount to the laptop to start using a ZWO 120MC.  I re-arranged the barn so that the laptop was as close to the door as possible but I would still need to use a USB extension lead to connect the laptop to the camera at the best observing position.  I checked before my first attempt that, without the extension, every piece of software on the laptop recognised the camera.  In the field, with the extension, zilch.  Windows 10, ZWO's own software, Firecapture etc all declared no camera recognised.  So, if the mountain won't come to me, the laptop has to go to within 8 feet of the 'scope.

I've read previous posts about dew protection but rummaging around the barn, where everything resides that should have been thrown away,  I thought I'd try to design something with what I could find rather than recycle a plastic box or whatever.

Ingredients found:

I x 5-footed chair pedestal (chair long since dumped); 1 x piece of chipboard 4 feet x 2 feet; 1 length of aluminium curtain rail, about 2 metres; 5 x curtain rail supports; 1 piece of copper gas piping, about 15"; 1 x unopened packet of velcro rolls; 1 x part-used roll of double-sided tape; 1 x yoga mat, matt black on each side and purchased last year for a failed project (nothing to do with yoga); 1 x part-used roll of black Duck tape; a few wood screws; a couple of dozen tacks.  All this without a trip to the DIY shop.

There's no need to bore you with the construction process but the finished article has a quite pleasing appearance.  The desk is a convenient height for sitting at and there is space to keep a few EPs free of dew; reference documents up to A4 size and still leave room to operate a mouse.  (I don't get on with touch pads.  It's an age thing.).

Having spent some of ny childhood nights in an Anderson shelter I hasten to add that any resemblance between my dew shelter and Mr Anderson's idesign is entirely coincidental.

It will be illuminating (is that the right word?) to see how this works but, in the meantime, I have to order some dew strips.  Nothing in the barn yielded anything that might be useful there.  Even wartime babies sometimes have to resort to commonsense.


Dew shelter 1.jpg

Dew shelter 2.jpg

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