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Beginner Questions


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Hello, I am back in the market for a telescope. I am looking to do visual as well as astrophotography. I have been doing a lot of research and I have come to a point that is a little confusing. To start off, I am in the US or else I would have already bought the Skywatcher Explorer 150P and EQ3-2 Mount from First Light. There is nothing comparable in the same price range in the US that I can find. I am looking to spend around $500. I have read a lot of threads and they generally start out saying don't get the Nexstar 4SE or 130SLT and then it runs into a discussion that ends in spending $2000+ for a beginner rig. The other thing I am reading is about just using a DSLR on a mount. Now, I have had the Nexstar 4SE in a shopping cart ready to buy at least 5 times in the last week and then I do more research which leads me away and then brings me right back to the same telescope. Here are the options as I see them and I am not sure which one is best. I am looking to observe and image. Last year I saw the Milky Way in a green zone on the Light Pollution Map and it was breathtaking. I got a few decent pics but it really got me thirsting for more.

I get the Nexstar 4SE and use it to learn. I could connect my DSLR to get some basic planetary images and learn about image processing and stacking. I could also piggyback my DSLR for wide field. The advantages are that I could learn to navigate the sky and see if it is something that I enjoy doing. Down the road, I could get a better rig and still use that to observe while the better rig is imaging. I will also learn what fits my specific needs so the next telescope will be more geared toward what I want to do.

The other option is a Skywatcher Star Adventurer. I am a photographer, so I already have some decent lenses (Canon 24-105 F/4L, Canon 100 F/2.8 Macro, Tamron 150-600). I could connect that and use Stellarium to navigate, the downside being that I don't know if I could really use a telescope with it also. I know it can support up to 11lb, so it seems viable. I watched a few youtube videos but nothing really clearly explaining it. Also, I haven't found a decent answer on how long of an exposure you can take with it at different focal lengths. The upside is that I have a tripod that I can use temporarily with it, so that leaves me about $200 for a scope to use with it if that is viable.

I guess I am just looking for some guidance on which route to go and recommendations for a decent $200 scope to attach to the Star Adventurer. I don't need to take world class images and 30+ minute exposures, I just want to look around and see whats out there. If I want to see more, then I'll connect my camera. Thank you in advance!

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The "problem" is that both use a scope and a mount and to some extent the common point is just the names.

For AP in all and any form you really need an equitorial mount that is driven but preferably goto. The equitorial mount has to be fairly stable. Which to an extend negates the EQ3-2.

Going from what I have seen the EQ5 and a 72mm refractor wok and some time ago there was a "kit" that comprised the iOptron SmartEQ and the WO ZS71.

To get going with I would suggest something along those lines. For AP the scope is fine if it is small, just that upsets the visual a bit. Now a 150P on the EQ5 is fair for visual and you can simply attach DSLR+Lens in place of the scope for wide field AP for now.

I have stuck with the "Skywatcher" names as that is what I am familiar with. I see Optsorp sell Skywatcher and I think one maybe two others do.

It is probaly a good idea to consider a common mount for both aspects but 2 different scopes. Just one scope for AP and visual gets not so easy to define.

Right $500 is going to be difficult, I have watched costs rise and rise and about 18 months back I would have said £800 for a basic AP set up, now I say about £1200 for the same, not sure what happened to the £1000 cost band.

For a small AP scope then one of the A-T 72mm ED would be good to start on, there are others around but you may have to search. WO have a new ZS-61 due out soon but in limited numbers. Possibly you may have a lens that does/covers much the same however.

I suggest that it is the mount that takes priority, but an EQ5 goto cost above budget. And there is always more then just the mount to be purchased = power, polar scope, dovetails. Maybe check out the CN classifieds for something as you are in the US.

Any use?



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Thanks for the reply! I did some more research and ended up going with the Skywatcher Star Adventurer and an Orion ST80. I figure I can use the ST80 as a guide when I upgrade in the future and I should be able to get my feet wet with that and the lenses I currently have.

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