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Autoguiding on the cheap.


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Since I bought a 16" Lightbridge SWMBO has been reluctant to authorise any further large purchases :clouds1: , such as the upgrade to the mount (HEQ5) so using the instructions here:


I modded my regular HEQ5 (not pro or synscan or whatever, just a regular HEQ5) handset but soldering a few wires so it would connect to one of these:


Only the cord I had only had four wires so my guiding is only in RA - have to make sure the drift alignment is spot on. This is pretty easy to do and works with guide dog and so far seems to be ok, I did this image last night and it seemed to come out ok - just needs some more subs:


so as an interim whilst saving up for the proper upgrade I've managed to get into autoguiding cost:

Skywatcher ST80 - 120.00

Phillips SPC900 - 35.00

LX Mod to the SPC - 8.00

Parallel guide port thingy from Astronomiser - 20.00

Burnt fingers from soldering iron - Free

Worth having a try if your're imaging through lowish f (mine is 5.9 on the imaging scope) and you've a webcam that can be modded for LX. :hello2:


P.S. Try not to touch the tip of the soldering iron - it really hurts!

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Hi Lightbucket, those images are superb, you must feel really good having saved a nice chunk of money and the satisfaction of making your own. I'm about to get into guiding myself and saved a packet by building myself a wedge and a nice little pwm controlled electric focuser from a servo motor.

I may need to upgrade my mount at some point in the future, although I'm running out of things to sell to fund many more purchases at the moment so a cheap mod for a reasonable mount is very interesting.

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