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Grabbing raw bayer data from webcam - help?


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I'm playing with a PS3 Eye camera, and fat fingering the gspca_ov534 Linux driver (v4l2).

I've managed to add a few low frame rates for 640x480 - down to 1fps, I understand it will go down to 0.1fps.


I'm also trying to grab raw bayer images, but don't really know what I'm doing. I haven't scrubbed the bayer matrix of the sensor yet.


Anyone able to help?




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Not sure about this one - raw picture above is clearly not showing a bayer pattern, rather component and poor resolution at that. Increased sensitivity by debayering the sensor along with low frame rates may be the best I can do under Linux.

However, I did confirm (at 400x) the colour layout that was on the sensor...


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Although I have gubbed that camera - image gone and what may be a voltage regulator is getting toasty. I think the lesson for the next one is not to go beyond the sensor area itself - there be circuitry.

£1.50 down the drain. Two more sitting on the bench.


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