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Advice on finding my first telescope

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Hi all am new to this site and i am writing to see if you guys can help me choise a starter telescope my funds are from 100 to 200 it must be controlled by pc and has to have the softwere if you could help that will be great

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Just now, alanjgreen said:

Scope tracking is done by "motors" built into the mount. If you want a scope that tracks then you need a scope with a motorised mount.

Where does the "PC" fit in? (thats what I am unclear on)




Hi am not sure am new to this so forgive me i sound unlogical lol 

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No problem astro100.

By "PC" you may have meant - "I want to view objects at my PC rather than stand outside in the cold"

Are you intending to use your eyes at the eyepiece while standing outside in the garden with the scope? (with you budget this would be the best bet)


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Just now, alanjgreen said:

No problem astro100.

By "PC" you may have meant - "I want to view objects at my PC rather than stand outside in the cold"

Are you intending to use your eyes at the eyepiece while standing outside in the garden with the scope? (with you budget this would be the best bet)


Yeah i wont botherd where i am inside or outside i just really want a nice telescope with tracking and to be able to see planets and nebulas

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OK. With your budget you may be best looking for a good second hand scope. These are regularly available and its just a case of going to pick them up in your car.

I would suggest that you are looking at a newtonian scope (either 130mm or 150mm aperture) on a goto motorised mount. Here are some links to read up on BUT DONT RUSH INTO BUYING. Do more research and ask more questions, AND CHECK THE SECOND HAND ADS on here and http://www.astrobuysell.com/uk/





Sky Watcher





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Astro100 - I will send you a PM (personal message) with some astrobuysell examples as with your budget you will only get "goto" by going second hand market.

In general, people look after their scopes so don't be afraid of second hand.

Always look through the scope before you buy and if it has goto make sure you get a demo before you hand over the cash!

Search for "150" or "130" on astrobuysell. Paste the scope names into google and the search bar in stargazerslounge to further find out more about that particular scope.

People are always trading up to the next bigger scope so there will be plenty coming (and selling) on the second hand market.






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Looks like there is a motorised scope at under £200 !!


Note that it has motors for tracking an object but no "goto" for finding the objects. This means that you have to find them yourself i.e. you have to point the scope directly at the object you want to view (if you have a night sky viewed on you phone i.e stellarium (free)) then you could use that to find the general area and then fine tune with the scope.

This will be more hassle that using "goto" where you type in the object number (or select it from a list) and press "goto".

But it will track an object and keep it in the eyepiece.

More food for thought for you. If it were me, I would go for second hand 150mm scope but its not my scope!!




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If you decide that "goto" is not that important to you and that you would rather have more aperture. Aperture is always king and bigger is always better.

Then the "other" scope to add to your thought list is the skywatcher 8" DOB.


8 inch aperture opens a door to the next level of objects and you should take some time to out grow that scope.

It does not have "goto" but if you decide you're not bothered about that (see earlier comment) then tracking (on its own) may not be a great advantage - you need to keep putting batteries in - extra cost) and the dob only needs a manual nudge every couple of minutes so its not hard work.

8" dobs can be had for £150 or less second hand! (it gathers double the light of a 150mm scope)


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Lastly, if you want an idea of what "you will see" at the eyepiece then you won't do better than buy a copy of "turn left at orion" (book), it has 200 pages of all the main night sky objects, tells you how to find them and shows two pictures (one shows what that object looks like in a small scope & one shows what that object looks like in a big dobsonian scope)

This can help to set the expectation of what you can see really well. As well as showing you all the different types of object that are up there for you to look at!


(also on amazon with free postage)



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