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Hi All,

Has anybody opened/ixed the QHY8L controller? Mine stopped running the fan on the camera. A friend came around with his controller and the fan worked. After few more tests it was confirmed that the controller was faulty. Anyhow I decide to open it (seen that I'm going to buy one) and upon inspection I found that a small choke/inductor (I'm not an expert) had the plastic casing cracked all over. The number 680 with a dot before the 6 is the only info on it. Anyone any idea? Thanks for reading and for your help. Merry Christmas to all.



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14 hours ago, Dave In Vermont said:

"Open it???" You should return it, it appears to be dead.

You leave many details to this story un-stated. Is it yours? Did you buy it? Where did it come from?

If it's not yours yet - GOOD! Sounds like it's up to great start! :D


G'Day Dave, yes it is mine.:icon_biggrin: I bought it several years ago second hand.

I think the cost involved in sending it from Australia to China and back plus the repair/parts cost would not warrant it, as it costs AU$145 plus fright to purchase a new one.

Being a pensioner with limited discretionary money I can't just jump in and buy a new one when, with very limited expertise, I can try to fix it myself.:D



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"... AU$145 plus fright ..."

Plus Fright? I couldn't have put it any better myself. Sometimes only a typo will do..... :p

I'd suggest finding a local computer genius and/or electrical whizz-kid to take a crack at it. Oh the things we'll do for our hobbies. I found a machine-shop owner/hobbiest to make me parts for a Meade LX200GPS - ater Meade's 'Customer-Service' agent told me he'd be happy to crush my telescope and buy a "New & Improved LX200 with Bells & Whistles Galore!" I told him to 'bite me!' and gave it a bit of thought. As what was needed was easy enough to understand, he built the 'doo-hicky' quite quickly and only charged me &20.00 US.

'Crush my telescope,' huh? I think not.





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12 hours ago, Dave In Vermont said:

Plus Fright? I couldn't have put it any better myself. Sometimes only a typo will do..... :p

Oops! I blame it on the Christmas cheers.:drunken_smilie:  Yours is a far better story. As for finding some 'electronic guru' I wouldn't know where to look. Anyhow we'll see...and report.


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