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M31 - revisiting colour

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Hi all

So I'm revising this image tomorrow night to grab some last bits of data for it. Once thing that's always kept my head-scratching is how I can never get the image away from the blue/cyan tint. I originally thought I had weak red data, so I recaptured the red which improved it, but there's still a very cyan tone to the dust lanes which I'm not keen on.

My green data is very weak in comparison but I just put this down to Andromeda being a very blue/red data rich target.

Is there any way I can balance the image better in processing? Or is it a case of reworking better/more data from a particular channel back in to the image?

Here's the raw HaLRGB data if you'd rather see it before any processing. For whatever reason when I try and colour balance it I always end up with it getting very blue/purple... http://cl.ly/1e1e2z17422S

Thank you



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