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Need good 10×50 binoculars below or at inr 5000 or 50gbp(i live in India)

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I've been wanting to get into stargazing for a long time, but don't know which binos to buy on my budget. Like i said above, I'm on a tight budget, and Need a good at that budget. I prefer to get 10x50's because i think they're just right. These are the ones i found online that fit my budget:

Olympus 118760 10x50 DPSI Wide-Angle Binocular 

Tasco Essentials 10x50 WA

Bushnell 13-3450C 10x50 Falcon Wide Angle Binocular 

This is all i got. Slight ruggedness would be nice, but obviously, I'm looking for the one with the best resolution for the price. Thanks a million in advance:)

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Good call on 10 x 50s; great all rounders that are bound to see a lot of use. I don't know these bins directly, but when in doubt I tend to go with the recognised name, which in this case would be the Olympus. Tasco (and Bushnell) have a reputation as less than great (though I'm sure some of their stuff is fine) and Olympus definitely have a better rep. though again, I'm sure some of their stuff is better and some is worse.

If it were me, I'd go for Olympus before Tasco, Bushnell, Skywatcher etc, any time. If you shop about you might be able to pick up a set of Nikon Aculon in a similar price bracket (albeit towards the upper end; I couldn't see prices for what you posted).

Hope this is some help.


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I use Empire 10 x 50's.   Mine give me a 4.5 degree field of view...Nice for large open clusters..I can see M31 and M13 with no problem. I would go with the Olympus..10x50's are just on the edge of being to hard to hold steady for long periods of time so if you can, see if they have a means of mounting to a tripod..Before you buy, try to find a copy of Phil Harrington's book on Binocular Astronomy. Lots of good stuff in there to consider and he has a good chapter on how to choose a pair of binoculars


Brian K9WIS


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