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Accessories buying advice if you please


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Hi guys & gals,

I've recently come into a bit of inheritance money (only £300ish) and instead of throwing it away on booze I want to spend it wisely on things that will last, like accessories for my SkyWatcher 130pm. My Signature should show what I've got but for those that have them turned off I already have:
10x & 25x stock EPs, 8x EP, Barlow x2 and other little bits and pieces I collected some time ago (carry case, camera stuff).

I've seen the cheapest GoTo mounts are a bit more than I have so I've ruled them out, if anything I'd rather have some extra bits for the 'scope that will make viewing that much better than one big purchase; things like Nebula/Moon filters, better EPs and something I don't know about perhaps.

But here's where I hit a snag, since I bought the 'scope and accessories some 2+ years ago I've not looked at further mini purchases at all. So being a relative newbie (still!) all I'm after is a bit of advice on what would be good to buy, I've had a brief look over at FLO and there's a ton of stuff I could get, so if anyone has some advice I can then research that myself afterwards and draw up a list.

Thanks :)


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Seriously, though. As a beginner, my experience is limited but I can tell you I have spent at least as much as I paid for the scope (s/h) on some decent eyepieces. They are such a good way of enhancing the experience. With practice, you can do your own GoToing but you can't improve on what your EPs are giving you, however much practice you have. I never use my 25 and 10mm kit lenses but my Bader  8-24mm zoom is an almost permanent fixture (along with the Orion Right angle finder - to take care of my ancient neck joints)

I have to admit lusting after a goto system but there is a lot of satisfaction in finding your own object and you just get better and better at it.

PS Avoid getting drawn into Astrophotography until your next legacy turns up. (Long lost uncle with an oil well?)

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