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Milky Way 30/07/16 - 31/07/16

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Finally got around to processing the 4 milky way images i took above the houses, first time seeing it with the naked eye so couldn't miss capturing it with a camera. The bright core was blocked by a tree and houses though i could still see the arm.

My first time processing the milky way and i'm still a complete beginner to night photography so any feedback and criticism is very welcome. This is the best i could get out of the data mainly because i live in a light polluted town and have a very annoying orange street lamp shining into my back garden.

All images where taken with a Nikon D3300 and processed with Lightroom and Photoshop. (Still getting to grips with Photoshop)

15 second exposure at ISO 3200:

Milky Way 1.jpg


13 Second at ISO 3200:

Milky Way 2.jpg


15 Seconds at ISO 6400:

Milky Way 3.jpg


and my personal favorite, 15 seconds at ISO 6400:

Milky Way 4 (Noise Reduced).jpg


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