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NGC 6633 widefield.

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Slapped the jolly old 450D on the GoTo mount last night and sent it on a widefield tour.

Having now seen the results I clearly neglected to line it up properly! :lol: Still,I'll have something to do over the next 1001 cloudy nights trying to work out what appears in the images! :lol:

The file size produced by the 450D at 12 megapixels is quite daunting when your intended subject is quite small and doesn't appear where expected. :scratch:

I eventually found NGC6633 in the bottom right hand corner of the full frame ,an insignificant little group of stars that don't exactly leap out of the image.

I did come across a satellite or meteor streak though which is good. :)

Here are a couple of the crops,one showing the 'streak' with the actual subject tucked away at the bottom and the second shows NGC6633 enlarged.



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You tell that Astometry bloke he's got it wrong this time. :)

M16 was below the roof/ tree line from my site at the time.

Just checked the web for pictures of NGC6633 which are few and far between but I found this which although on a different scale is a fairish match.



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Ooops! Think I owe an apology here,themos. :oops:

Been checking iphoto and this images is timed at 00:43 this morning........... M16 would have been up and running.

When you have a spare moment would it be possible for you to check the full frame as downloaded from the camera,just to be sure,(compressed copy attached) with Astrometry,I cannot get a download on the Mac.

I thought I was joking when I said I'd be spending 1001 nights sorting out what was which. :)



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